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Some reviews of our online exercise classes, talking therapy sessions and other services

Lisa Rawcliffe


I currently work alongside Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust, Intensive Rehabilitation Service (LSCFT IRS) mental health team as a wellbeing coordinator (which is a new project). One of the area’s I felt that my service users needed is talking therapy without the long waiting times, and will deal with people who are in crisis and don’t qualify for other therapies. I was finding this extremely difficult until I met with Saima, the founder of Wellbeing S.A.S Rights.

After meeting with her and she spoke about the service they offer, I was hesitant that they could offer talking therapy with less than a two week turn around. When I made my 1st referral  for talking therapy, the form was quick and straight forward to complete. They made contact with the service user within a few days and the therapy began, and continued for around 12 weeks. They work with people who are in crisis   or, someone who just wants to talk to improve their mood offering talking therapy over teams or phone and, online wellbeing activities. The talking therapy is available to 18+  and can be done in the comfort of their own home. From referral, the response is so quick and they normally start to work with the client within 2 weeks of referral, the speed really does makes a difference to the service user’s wellbeing.
The counsellors are friendly, committed, supportive and show empathy.

The will work around the service user and try to accommodate the best days and times to suit their needs. The talking therapy covers anything from , addiction, domestic abuse, depression, bereavement, suicidal thoughts, anything that they wish to talk about.

The service users have found the service beneficial, and feel that the wait time has been invaluable. Thank you so much for the rewarding service and help you offer within the community

I have fairly recently joined the exercise group and I just wanted to express my sincere appreciation of the service.

I have done the HIIT and the Body Conditioning classes and found them both to be really motivating.

Not only do the sessions challenge the body physically during the class they stay with me for the rest of the week too, encouraging me to get out and about and do more exercise generally.

I have found the classes to be really easy to access online and well organised.

The trainer is excellent and quite evidently works hard to vary the sessions and suggest adaptations for anyone who may struggle with a particular exercise.

All in all, I feel a great improvement to my overall wellbeing!

Sue - Exercise Classes

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Gillian - Exercise Classes


I joined S.A.S. Rights exercise service after a good friend recommended it to me towards then end of lockdown. I am retired but still have a busy life caring for my elderly parents and being Mum/ Nana to 5 grown up kids, their partners and 9 grandchildren.

I find the classes absolutely brilliant and so accessible with no need to have the added burden of travelling to a local gym. The times of the classes fit in so well with my caring and babysitting duties and make me feel so good afterwards both physically and mentally.

Saima never fails to send us the link for each class as a reminder and even provides a timetable for the month ahead so we can all get our diaries organised.

Saima and Tracey are both wonderful ladies and there’s always a chat going on and a bit of a banter which is lovely. We are always offered high and low impact options for the exercises which Tracey demonstrates so well in advance of each session. I twisted my ankle recently so joined the body conditioning which was fine but wasn’t sure about doing the HIIT classes. Tracey kindly adapted the Thursday HIIT session for me with a low impact option of all the exercises which I managed to complete without any pain. It’s like having a personal trainer!

Just want to say a big thank you to you two lovely ladies for your time, total dedication and patience, not sure what we’d all do without you now !


I’ve joined the group recently and was given a very warm welcome. It’s nice to exercise with others even though you are in the comfort of your own home.  The exercise is varied and it’s a great way to get active. Tracey is an excellent instructor – I always know I’ve done a class!

Tracey - Exercise Classes

Dorothy - Exercise Classes


I first came accross S.A.S. Rights during the covid pandemic when restrictions kept us all away from family and friends and for me , and a lot of others, life became very depressing not being able to mix, not able to meet up, go out and socialise. And there were times when I never saw anybody apart from once a week when I went out very early morning to do my weekly shopping. I knew the importance of keeping active and so started to walk around the garden and around the house. Then I came across Tracey and Saima and S.A.S. Rights zoom exercise classes! 

The classes gave me some structure in my life, some purpose again, I could exercise in my home and could chat and see other members in the class. I began to look forward to seeing everybody in the class, to the exercise and to the occasional chat at the end of the sessions. I’d call S.A.S. Rights Zoom classes a life saver at that difficult time! 

S.A.S. Rights exercise zoom classes have become part of my life. I’m  70yrs +

 fitter, stronger, healthier and it’s given me confidence to “have a go”  and I love every exercise class. I’ve lost over a stone in weight, and last year I even managed to stand up paddle boarding which I’d have never thought I’d have been able to do! Through the zoom exercises with S.A.S. Rights I’ve achieved a lot – health, strength in body and mind. There’s nothing I can’t do!!! I can’t speak highly enough of Saima, for all the background work she does to bring S.A.S. Rights and everything they give to such a lot of us!  Tracey the absolute best personal trainer – the classes are challenging but so so enjoyable and anyone can join in no matter what stage of fitness – that’s the best bit!! No pressure!! Just enjoy and be a part of the S.A.S. Rights Zoom class Family – that’s what we are – a family! I love you all!

I just want to say thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to have these sessions. I am happy that I had this referral fast as all counselling sessions are always on a waiting list. Sometimes it is difficult to speak to your own people that you know. That is why it is better to get in contact with your kind of service. 

I want to thank Mariya so much for all the patience and support she has given me. She has helped me by listening to me, helping me to think in a positive way, and she has given me all the help with thinking on a healthier level of mind. It felt so supportive and caring when talking to Maria. She was always happy and ready to listen to me in every session. She has been so patient and she is such a pleasant, kind, friendly and the most understanding person that I had counselling sessions with. She is definitely recommended!

I will take all the positive advice that Mariya has given me and practice that in life.  

F Amir - Counselling Service

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Elaine Makin - Online Exercise Club Testimonial

I really want to say a huge thank you to you for putting on these free classes.
Not only do they help give a structure to my week and set me up for the weekend, they help with my physical and mental health. I feel so much better after doing the classes and rather than stay in for the rest of the day it gives me the energy to get up and out, not just on Saturday but also other days in the week.
It helps to give me a wider perspective in these trying times and it is great to see other people too! I feel so much better both mentally and physically !
Thank you also for a fantastic and enthusiastic instructor!

Elaine Makin

Jean Duerden - S.A.S. Rights Cycling Club Testimonial

Jean Duerden-S.A.S. Rights Cycling Testimonial


A few months ago my husband was in the 
garage and struggling to get round everything because our bikes were in the way. He said we should get rid of them as we hadn’t
been on them since Covid. I agreed with
him and we decided we would sell them and the bicycle rack that goes on the back of my mini.
The next day I started to think more about selling my bike and I felt very sad, 
despite the fact I hadn’t cycled for so
long. I asked my husband to give me
another year before we made a final
decision. He agreed.

I have been doing exercise classes with S.A.S Rights since Covid and noticed on one of Saima’s WhatsApp group chats that there was a ladies cycling group at Witton Park. Saima was happy for me to join in. My husband put my bike on the bike rack and I drove to Blackburn in pouring rain and full of trepidation. I looked very experienced with a bike, rack and all the gear – but I was quick to point out that my strap line should be “All the gear – no idea” because I had completely lost my confidence. I was worried about getting on the bike and really struggled to get going. I need not have worried as everyone was very kind and very patient.

Slowly I realised that I was getting more confident and by week three I was really enjoying cycling. The support team are fabulous. They never make you feel silly when you struggle and they celebrate your successes such as getting over the bridge in the park or cycling through the barrier!

With my renewed confidence in April I was able to cycle on the Malham Trail in hail, rain and wind and loved it. Just last week, I was in Heidelberg and cycled 12.5 miles on a 1970s bike with reverse pedal brakes! I was so proud of myself!

So a HUGE thank you to S.A.S Rights and the Witton Park Cycling crew. I am privileged to have met you and to get back on my bike. I couldn’t have done it without you I can’t wait for my next cycling adventure.